Minions are small, yellow creatures who have existed since the beginning of time, evolving from single-celled organisms into beings who exist only to serve history’s most despicable masters. They are extremely loyal and dependable servants to whoever wants to be their master. They had finally appeared from their hideout in the RimWorld, to look for […]
Rough Artwork for Release 1 Completed
The rough artwork for all the Dinosaurs to be released in Release 1 is completed. The Mod Development will now move on to the coding phase to get the mod into a playable state. I will be sharing more on the details, like the dinosaurs’ stats, in future posts/updates – and please feel free to […]
Introduction to DinoRim
DinoRim was first announced at RimWorld Community facebook group ( I had been thinking of creating a mod for RimWorld that adds Dinosaurs into the game. I am personally a designer by trade, and was games design trained (Dip. in Digital Media Design (Games Design) from Nanyang Polytechnic Singapore). Currently, the entire mod will be […]