[1.0] WoodLog to WoodPlanks

Home / Introduction / [1.0] WoodLog to WoodPlanks

Who the hell uses only wood logs as base materials? Of course you need to cut them up into planks for more efficient usage!!!

– 1 Woodlog can be saw into 3 wooden planks at the crafting spot
– Woodlogs will now be slower to build, but the woodlog made stuff will be slightly more stronger
– Wooden planks stuffs will be build faster, but less strong
– But generally woodlog and woodplanks items will be more or less the same in term of its qualities.


1 Log = 3 Planks

There is some slight differences between woodlog and woodplanks.

WoodLog : WoodPlank
MarketValue – 1.2 : 0.8
MaxHitpoint – 210 : 70
Mass – 0.4 : 0.1
StatMaxHitPoint – 1.0 : 0.65
Beauty – 1.0 : 1.2
WorkToMake – 1.2 : 0.7
WorkToBuild – 1.2 : 0.7
DoorOpenSpeed – 0.95 : 1.2

Every other things are the same


STEAM DOWNLOAD: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1621766001
NON-STEAM DOWNLOAD: http://walkingproblem.com/sdm_downloads/1-0-woodlog-to-woodplanks/

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