Sаudі Arаbіа’ѕ free mаrkеt есоnоmу hаѕ undеrgоnе remarkable changes іn a rеlаtіvеlу ѕhоrt реrіоd оf time. It hаѕ еvоlvеd frоm a basic agricultural ѕосіеtу into a rеgіоnаl аnd glоbаl economic роwеr with a mоdеrn іnfrаѕtruсturе, where more people are interested on online stock trading. Petroleum is аn іntеgrаl part of thе Sаudі есоnоmу; Saudi Arabia is […]
![[1.0] No Boom Boom](http://walkingproblem.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/preview.png)
[1.0] No Boom Boom
Remove boom rats and boomalopes from your game. Unless you spawn them with dev mode… … they will not spawn naturally nor appear in manhunter packs Now supports (thanks to Rainbeau Flambe): – “Advanced Biomes” – “Terra Core” – “Nature’s Pretty Sweet” – “Misc. MapGen Xtension ‘Urban Biome’” – “Archipelagos” – “Realistic Planets” Woot woot! […]
![[1.0] No Infestation](http://walkingproblem.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/preview-2.png)
[1.0] No Infestation
Remove infestation event from your game. Unless you spawn them with dev mode… … the infestation event (including deep drill infestation) should never ever appear ever forever ever again ever like never before really no joke. Nuff Said. — FORUM LINK: https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=38805.0 NON-STEAM DOWNLOAD: http://walkingproblem.com/sdm_downloads/1-0-no-infestation/ STEAM DOWNLOAD: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1279817576 — OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://walkingproblem.com/ DEVELOPER’S DISCORD: https://discord.gg/W2Vb27T […]

Real Life is Real
Sorry for the lack of action recently. The lack of support from the community and users of my mods (via patreon or ko-fi) means that I have to put aside modding for now until further notice while I sort out my finances in real life. As I had spent way too much time modding (as […]

RimSlaves is now 4.2!! New work abilities!!
An update for the RimSlaves mod together with the launch of the Advanced Animal Frameworks. With the new framework, new work abilities are added to the slaves, like constructing (yes its back), clearing snow, sowing plants (finally!), tending to wounded, etc… And as mentioned above, the mod will now require Advanced Animal Frameworks as a […]

Trading Economy 2.6 – Walkblem Vehicles!!!
WALKBLEM GALACTIC CORPORATION RENOUNCES THE RIMWORLDS ACCORDS Walkblem Galactic Corporation had announced their withdrawal from the RimWorlds Accprds that regulates and prevents the introduction of heavy weaponries into the frontier systems. In a statement by the CEO of Walkblem Galactic Corporation, MJ Lim declares his disdain for all the hypocrisy of the GlitterWorlds establishments, where […]

We finally got mentioned!
Starship Troopers Arachnid mod got a mention from the Rimworld maker! Finally, one of our work is mentioned by Tynan himself~ =D What an achievement!

Trading Economy 2.4 Released!!! No more OP weapons!
[B18] TRADING ECONOMY 2.4 Finally, Walkblem Soldiers will get their very own Helmet and Armor design/textures. Gunbladers will also get their own Exo Suit. Walkblem Weapons tweak to have smaller explosion radius, making it less OP as it used to be. The WHAC also got a new paint job that would go better with the […]

Wild Animal Sex 1.5 Launched! (updated)
LET THERE BE SEX!!! A mini-mod for those players who (like me), prefer the wild animals to behave normally – and actually mate in the wild. And, from Version 1.4, Predators will spawn when there is an overpopulation of prey. Hunger rates are reset to default. Have fun! Version 1.4 Demo: — FORUM LINK: https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=37461.0 […]

StarshipTroopers Arachnid Ver4.1 Released!
This is a massive update to the arachnid mod. Finally, we are able to revamp the air attack mechanics and perfect it.
Bugs will no longer drop down in droppods, but instead drop down as themselves. They will also not drop down altogether, but instead drop over a span of time.
Bombardier bugs are also improved, by nerfing their explosion – so that they can be the major inconvenience they are designed to be, instead of being too lethal.